Ana Alterio

Division of Social Sciences
Department of Law

Ana Alterio

Full time professor

ANA MICAELA ALTERIO is an Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México), School of Law. She is Level 2 for the National System of Researchers (SNI- CONACYT- México).   She holds a Master's degree and a Ph.D. in Advanced Studies in Human Rights from Carlos III de Madrid University. Her thesis ‘‘A democratic critique to neo-constitutionalism and its political and institutional implications” granted her the extraordinary doctorate award. She got a diploma in political and constitutional studies from the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales de Madrid and her law degree from the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina. In the same province, she was the Human Rights Coordinator until 2007. She has made research stays in the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany, and at Columbia University in New York.  Her work focuses on comparative constitutional law, constitutional design, constitutional democracy, political theory, human rights, equality, gender studies, and feminism. Currently, she is the co-editor of the

Her publications include the book “Entre lo neo y lo nuevo del constitucionalismo latinoamericano”  -Between the neo and the new of Latin American Constitutionalism- (Tirant Lo Blanch, 2021), she has several publications in International journals, book chapters and has coordinated, together with Roberto Niembro Ortega the books Constitucionalismo Popular en Latinoamérica -Popular Constitutionalism in Latin America- (Porrúa, 2014); La Suprema Corte y el matrimonio igualitario en México – The Supreme Court and equal marriage in Mexico- (IIJ-UNAM 2017), as well as with Alejandra Martínez Verástegui the book Feminismos y derecho- Feminisms and the law- (SCJN, 2019).

Academic Studies

LLB, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina
MA in Human Rights, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
PhD in Human Rights, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain


55 5628 4000 ext. 3763

Topics of Interest

  • Constitutional Law
  • Comparative Constitutional Law
  • Political Theory
  • Democracy
  • Human rights
  • Equality
  • Gender studies and feminism

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