Raymundo Gama

Raymundo Gama
Raymundo Gama is Associate Professor of Law at ITAM. His teaching and scholarship are in the areas of legal argumentation, evidence, legal procedure and philosophy of law. His research focuses on legal and theoretical issues pertaining to evidence procedure and legal theory.
His publications include: “The nature and the place of presumptions in legal argumentation”, Argumentation, 2017; “Presunciones en el Derecho Continental y en el Common Law. Un análisis comparado” en Debatiendo con Taruffo, Jordi Ferrer y Carmen Vázquez (coeds.), Marcial Pons, 2016, “An intellectual journey with William Twining” with Manuel Atienza, in Law’s Ethical, Global and Theoretical Contexts. Essays in Honour of William Twining, Upendra Baxi, Christopher McCrudden and Abdul Paliwala eds., Cambridge, 2015; “Presumptions and fictions. A Collingwoodian approach” in Legal Fictions in Theory and Practice, Maksymilian del Mar and William Twining (eds.), Springer, 2015.
Academic Studies
Topics of Interest
- Procedural Law
- Legal Philosophy
- Evidential Reasoning
- Legal argumentation