Felipe Meza

Felipe Meza
Dr. Felipe Meza is a researcher at CAIE and a professor of Economics. He joined ITAM in 2007. He has worked on the impact of fiscal variables, the behavior of productivity during financial crises, the effects of financial liberalization, and the dynamics of the informal sector. More recently he has worked on the link between productivity and the cost and availability of bank credit for Mexican manufacturing sectors. As of 2017 his research topics also include the fiscal and monetary history of contemporary Mexico, real exchange rate dynamics, and the impact of the US monetary policy. Prof. Meza has published in international peer-reviewed academic journals such as the Journal of International Economics and the Review of Economic Dynamics. In 2009 he was awarded the Kenneth J. Arrow Prize for Junior Economists by the Berkeley Electronic Press. He was a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores from 2010 to 2016. He was awarded the 2nd Place in the Premio Banamex de Economía 2015. In connection with economic policy, he participated in several meetings of the Comité Nacional de Productividad. Regarding his teaching, he has taught several courses on macroeconomics, and has advised undergraduate theses that have received awards. Prof. Meza earned his undergraduate degree in Economics from ITAM, and his PhD in Economics from the University of Minnesota.